What is E-Learning?

E-Learning is a learning system based on formalised teaching with the help of electronic resources. It is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet.It enables educators to get a higher degree of coverage to communicate the message in a consistent way for their students. It also makes learning easier for the students as they can access e-Content anytime, anywhere, over & again.

Major Objectives :

  • To develop and implement next-generation management systems covering information in regard to procurement to contract management and financial management areas
  • To develop the ICT infrastructure as technical assistance to Agricultural Universities

E-Learning Activities :

Implementation :

PG Courses

  1. Development of E-Learning course content, there are 2 mandatory courses from each M.Sc. discipline of 18 Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) groups. These are a total of 144 courses (2 x 72 disciplines).
  2. The e-Courses have been sub divided into different units.
  3. For each unit there is one Content Creator and one Unit Reviewer.
  4. For integrating and reviewing the whole e-Course content there is one Course Reviewer.
  5. The syllabus of the courses and the unit wise distribution are as per the prescribed PG curricula and syllabi of the Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi available at https://icar.org.in/files/edu/3

UG Courses

  1. As per 5th Dean Committee Report
  2. For revision of already existing UG e-courses on “e-krishishiksha” portal, there are 171 courses (7 disciplines) available at https://ecourses.icar.gov.in/
  3. For development of E-Learning course content, there are 172 courses (8 disciplines)
  4. For each e-Course, there is one Content Creator/Revisor and one Course Reviewer.

eLearning Dashboard Call-1

The Dashboard showcases the registered users, PG Courses, Content Creators, Unit Reviewers and Course Reviewers details under the Call-1 of eLearning system


No. of BSMA Groups


No. of Discipline


No. of Courses (PG)


No. of Units


No. of Registered Users


No. of Applications Received


No. of Applications
(Course Reviewer)


No. of Applications
(Unit Reviewer)


No. of Applications

You can view the brochure, register in the eLearning system by clicking on the Register Here or Login by below buttons


User Roles

Content Creator/ Content Revisor
Unit Reviewer

Course Reviewer

Nodal Officer